
Tuesday 4 December 2007

All The Necessary Vaccinations

There are a variety of diseases that plague the horse world. The wide majority of the ones that we have to be concerned with have a vaccination that, while it may not completely prevent them, it will definitely reduce the effect of the disease on your horse. It is imperative that horses are vaccinated on a regular basis, even if they are not going to be leaving the pasture. You never know what might float through the air from a sick horse in a passing trailer.

Influenza and Rhinopneumonitis

These are two harsh respiratory diseases that are similar to that of the human flu, symptoms and all. Depending on how often you travel with your horse, your vet may recommend that you have your horse vaccinated every 3 months or at least every 6 months if they aren't exposed to many other horses.


Tetanus is a bacterial disease that is contracted through open wounds. Anytime your horse seriously punctures or lacerates itself, you need to be certain your horse is up to date on his tetanus boosters. This bacterial disease can wreak havoc on your horse's nervous system and cause brain damage. The prognosis is not usually good for a horse that contracts tetanus so you want to do your best to prevent it. Symptoms are extreme sensitivity to touch and spasms in the neck and jaw muscles. Veterinarians recommend that horses be vaccinated at least once a year.

Equine Encephalomyelitis

There are three encephalomyelitis illnesses in the equine world. Most owners know them as WEE, EEE and VEE. These stand for Western, Eastern and Venezuelan Encephalomyelitis. Horses become infected with these diseases through mosquito bites. The disease attacks the nervous system and causes severe brain damage. Many horses do not survive or are rendered useless after being infected with the disease. It is recommended that horses in the southern part of the US be vaccinated with all three at least once a year. Horses in the northern states are not usually vaccinated for VEE. This would, however, depend on how much you travel with your horses and where.

West Nile Virus

In the past decade or so West Nile was added to the list of must have vaccinations. This disease spread like wild fire and killed many horses, birds and humans. This is another disease that is carried by mosquitoes and attacks the nervous system, similar to that of Equine Encephalomyelitis. Veterinarians recommend that horses be vaccinated at least once a year.

By Ron Petracek

Ron Petracek - Raised in Southern Idaho, Ron's love for Trucks,Horses and the outdoors all fell hand in hand. Ron loves to ride his horses and work on his diesel trucks in California where he now resides with his wife and two children. His love has founded two online business. To view the equine classified network just click here -->

The other is for diesel and automotive related fuel enhancement additives which can be viewed by just clicking here -->

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