
Sunday, 22 March 2009

To Bit Or Not to Bit - That Is A Very Important Question!

I have seen so many horses with bleeding mouths from a bit and also acting up so bad it is hard to ride, with one horse flipping over backwards because a child pulled on the bit so hard. I had to write this article.

FIRST AND FOREMOST: How many of the 'horsey' people out there know that a horse can't 'YELP' like a dog when hurt; or scream loud 'MEOWS' like a cat when in pain; or make these very loud noises like most animals can when in pain.

The horse is usually silent and a very stoic animal and usually takes the pain. I say usually because the horses that are very sensitive and CAN NOT take the pain, they are the ones that are labeled 'bad', 'bad tempered', 'spoiled', 'disrespectful', because they show pain by rearing, bucking, bolting, kicking, and other things people don't like.

Have you ever been around a mare when she is giving birth? She hardly makes a 'peep'. Oh she might breath heavily or moan very low but basically she 'takes' the pain. Why? Because these animals are prey animals and if they were to make loud noises in the wild, their 'hunters' would know they are in trouble and they would seek them out for the kill.

Now I know I am going to probably get a lot of emails from this but the bitless riding is getting more popular so I might not get that many emails saying I am crazy.

Don't take my word for it. Do what I did, RESEARCH! Due research on how the bit does terrible things to a horse, both physically and emotionally!

Of course common sense would tell you just by looking at that 'metal' contraption, that it can't feel nice inside their soft mouth. I remember when I was very young, I had more common sense than the adults and told a gentleman that was riding with a bit that I would think that would hurt. He did not say much. Just kept walking.

I still talk to people today that still believe this LIE: 'Oh foaming at the mouth is good, he is taking the bit'. I do not believe when Any living creature, animal or human, foams at the mouth, that is not a good sign.

Oh, and that stupid term "Taking the bit" who in the world came up with that pathetic saying. Or the other dumb one "On the bit" This saying has been going on for years, world wide and is a gross misunderstanding about the use of the rein-aid.

Another term that is used alot (and the people that use this term, don't have a clue) is the term "collected or collection". The bit has been proven that it prevents TRUE COLLECTION. A horse needs 'Neck Mobility' to have true collection. I cannot go to Dressage competitions any longer as I go crazy when I see those poor horse's with their riders pulling on them so hard to bend the horses neck (over bending)or severe poll flexion caused by the bit. This not only obstructs the horse's airways but can also damage the neck and spine.

Getting back to the 'foaming of the mouth' and believing that is good! The bit causes reflex salivation and chewing. The bit causes this foaming because that is a response to eating not exercise. Can you eat and run normal at the same time? Well to the horse, when you put that metal bar in its mouth it causes a reaction like it going to digest food.

Also, in the wild a horse breathes with every stride. So if you obstruct some of his breathing due to the metal bit in his mouth, it will cause problems with the stride of the horse!

So, stop believing this lie, that a horse has to have a bit because that lie comes from hell!

The bit is a common cause of head shaking syndrome, dorsal displacement of the soft palate, epiglottal entrapment, collapse of the windpipe and pulmonary bleeding. The bit has also caused Asphyxia(thickness of wind, roaring, and choking up) Also the bit reduces the supply of oxygen, resulting in premature fatigue, breakdowns etc.

I read and studied every article I could find and did research on english bitless bridles and since I had been riding with just a halter and lead rope because my dear sweet gelding just could not take the bit banging in his mouth any longer. People told me he would kill me without the bit. These are those people who have had more experience being ON horses than being WITH horses. I don't think they really knew the horse, they just use them for their own means that had no end. Well I had Panama over 13 years, he never bucked me off and certainly never tried to 'kill' me. An animal that is treated with kindness is not stupid. They know you are kind to them and will not try and hurt you. I know for a fact these people, deep down, are afraid of horses. They will never admit it but they are afraid of them. They should buy a camel instead of a horse to ride. I had Panama for 13 years, not once did he ever try to buck me off, get aggressive or try to 'kill' me.

I knew there had to be something out there that did not have a bit! Especially all that I had just read on bits. Yes riding without a bit is possible and also a bit does NOT STOP YOUR HORSE!! The bit is just not good for any horses mouth.

I told you just a few of the problems a bit causes, things that I read and did research on and learned from a Vet who studied this over 40 years.

Again, please investigate! Read about how a horses mouth was not meant to have metal in it! A rope, is what the American Indians use to use; a string; whatever, just not metal!!!

They invented this torture device back in the 'Dark Ages' when they used torture devices on humans too. Lets put on our thinking caps my equestrian friends. The bit does not make sense! Stop using it as a crutch for true riding.

How sad these trainers are that teach the children to ride with a bit, when they can't even sit straight and their hands are all over the place. I have seen the pain in theses horses eyes, trying to take the pain because they know a child is on them. Is this fair to do that to our sweet horses!

With all the easy access we have to research things, why don't they do this! Because deep down they are scared (so why have a horse then?) and also they just don't care.

I cared, so I researched, found out it was not good for the horse (just like I researched about shoeing, found that wasn't good either) so I changed for the sake of the horse.

All I am asking is for you to read about what a piece of metal does to that sweet horse. All the 'trainers' who have been into horses, riding horses, raising horses and whatever for hundreds of years but never went to school to study these effects, they will probably not believe it because deep down they just don't care or they would do whatever it takes once they heard something is bad for a horse, to fix it! I was one of them at one time but I investigated it because my sweet horse was not acting right when it had a simple snaffle on and of course had people tell me he was just being bad! How sad for people to blame the horse right away!

If you read how the bit was invented. That alone should be a wake up call!

They depend on us to treat them with love and respect.

If all they get is hurt and torture every time they are with us, if they could talk they would probably say something like this:

"Instead of being hurt by you every time I am with you, I would rather have you send me to slaughter, at least that is only one time."

By Cindee Grimes

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